Nevves from Bowe, - and the Earle of Norwich his speech at a randevous on Pickenden Heath, who is designed Generall of the enemies forces. With the coppy of a new oath taken concerning what shall be concluded and resolvbed upon at their councells, and for effecting their results. Also the particular relation of the whole businesse in Kent, and a list of the names of prisoners taken at Maidstone viz. Sir Gamaliel Dudley. Sir William Brockman. Esquire Scott. Major Price. And many other of quality. Those which are escaped and were very active, are the Earle of Norwich. Esquire Hales. Sir VVilliam Compton. Sir Thomas Peyton. Sir Bernard Gascoine. Sir Iohn Many. And divers others

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Printed by B.A. MDCXLVIII. 1648 England, London [2], 6 sidor.